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2018 summer meeting of the CDNI Conference of Contracting Parties

Press release

Source: Secretariat of the CDNI

Strasbourg, 30 June 2018 ‐ The Conference of Contracting Parties (CCP) held its summer meeting in Strasbourg on 21 June 2018. The meeting was chaired by Mr Jan de Spiegeleer, representing Belgium.

The new ECO card is on its way!

The national institutions will start issuing the new ECO card in autumn 2018; by the end of the year it will have replaced the cards currently in use.

Source: CDNI

New ECO cards will be issued on board all vessels in the coming months. The new hybrid ECO card has a new design and a new visual, and a contactless function. In addition to paying the charge for eliminating oily and greasy waste, it can also be used for other applications and services relevant to inland navigation (payment of port dues, use of waste containers, opening doors, obtaining electricity and drinking water on land, etc). For more information on using the card for third-party systems and taking advantage of the service, please contact the Secretariat at secretariat@cdni-iwt.org.
At the same time as the ECO cards are replaced, all the payment terminals in the bunkering stations will also be replaced by latest generation mobile terminals by the end of 2018.
There are six national institutions (NI) responsible for collecting the payment for elimination and for ensuring the proper deployment of the network of reception stations. They are involved in the implementation of Part A (oily and greasy waste) of the CDNI, and administer the CDNI’s electronic payment system (SPE-CDNI). They also manage the deployment of ECO cards and terminals.


Progress with the national procedures for ratifying new provisions in the Convention on dealing with gaseous residues of liquid cargoes (fumes)

The Contracting Parties reported on the state of progress with the national procedures for ratifying new provisions in the Convention on dealing with gaseous residues of liquid cargoes that were adopted by means of a Resolution in June 2017 (see press release).
Less than a year after the Resolution was adopted, Germany, Belgium, France, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland have already embarked on the procedures for ratification at the national level.
The Dutch Delegation confirmed that the Netherlands was keen to implement the new provisions at the national level by mid-2020; a taskforce had been set up, bringing together the public authorities and the profession in order to accompany application of the new rules efficiently (see BLN Schuttevaer article, in Dutch).
The modification will enter into force once it has been ratified by all the Contracting Parties. The ban on degassing will be applied gradually to allow the development of the necessary infrastructures and appropriate logistics solutions, such as the use of dedicated or compatible means of transport.

CDNI unloading standards: reclassification of fluorspar (fluorite) to take account of impact on the environment

The Conference of Contracting Parties adopted an amendment to Appendix III of the Convention (unloading standards and prescriptions on deposit and reception with a view to authorising the disposal of wash water containing cargo residues). Fluorspar (fluorite) has been reclassified to take into account a recent supplementary analysis of its chemical characteristics. The water used to wash a vessel that has carried fluorspar and complies with the required unloading standard (swept state) may be discharged into the waterway without causing any environmental risk.
This amendment takes effect immediately.
Resolution CDNI 2018-I-2

WaSTo (Waste Standards Tool) electronic search and information tool for the new unloading standards

The Conference of Contracting Parties took note of the new functions of WaSTo (https://wasto.cdni-iwt.org/) as developed and put on-line by the CDNI Secretariat.
More specific search criteria: It is now possible to carry out a multi-criteria search (by number or category of goods, by unloading standard) or an alphabetic search.
Open Data: With a view to opening up its data to the public, the CDNI makes the sets of data on the unloading standards (Appendix III of the Convention’s Implementing Regulations) available. The aim is to promote the free re-use of the data by authorising its reproduction, redistribution, adaptation and exploitation, subject to certain conditions.
To develop these functions, users may contact the CDNI Secretariat directly to notify requirements and suggest improvements to WaSTo (secretariat@cdni-iwt.org).

Expiry of 2014 attestation of unloading on 30 June 2018

The Executive Secretariat and the CDNI Contracting Parties would like to draw the attention of users and the competent authorities of the expiry on 30 June 2018 of the old model of attestation of unloading (Appendix IV of the Convention’s Implementing Regulations).
A new model of attestation of unloading was introduced in 2017 to take into account the notion of compatible transport, for which it is not necessary to wash vessels between two successive cargoes.
This notion has been included in the Convention in addition to exclusive transport. Both contribute to the prevention of waste by reducing the need to clean and sweep the vessel between two cargoes.
The 2017 model attestation of unloading is available on-line in Word and PDF formats.
The 2014 attestation of unloading may still be presented to supervisory authorities as justification until 31 December 2018.
Resolution 2016-I-5


The CCP regularly takes note of the answers to the frequently asked questions (FAQ) prepared by the CDNI/G working group and approves their publication on the FAQ page of the website at www.cdni-iwt.org. The aim of the answers is to make it easier to apply the CDNI and to promote consistent interpretation. Questions being covered currently relate to Part B (collection, deposit and reception of cargo-related waste). At its meeting, the CCP approved answers to two new FAQs.

  • One answer gives details of when and how the handling installation which unloads a tanker vessel must take account of the attestation of unloading.
  • One answer covers the methods for unloading viscous liquid cargo.


Meetings in autumn 2018

The CDNI working group will meet exceptionally in Vienna, at the invitation of Austria (CDNI Observer State) on 30 and 31 October 2018.
The next meeting of the CCP will be held on 21 December 2018, chaired by Mr de Spiegeleer, representing Belgium.
All the dates for meetings, and their agendas, are posted on the CDNI website.

Press release