


The Convention was signed in Strasbourg on 9 September 1996.
It came into force on 1st November 2009.
The first amendment to the Convention (adopted in June 2017), incorporating the treatment of gaseous residues, is currently undergoing ratification.

Contracting States Depositing of the instruments for ratifying, accepting or approving the Convention Depositing of the instrument for ratifying, accepting or approving the first amendment to the Convention (gaseous residues)
GERMANY 10 March 2004 9 February 2021
BELGIUM 22 September 2009 25 August 2022
FRANCE 15 September 2005 7 June 2023
LUXEMBOURG 14 May 2002 7 February 2020
NETHERLANDS 10 July 2000 3 July 2020
SWITZERLAND 16 July 1998 23 April 2024


Legal bases

The Contracting Parties transposed the Convention into their national law by means of the following legal instruments:

Contracting States Legal basis
GERMANY Gesetz zu dem Übereinkommen vom 9. September 1996 über die Sammlung, Abgabe und Annahme von Abfällen in der Rhein- und Binnenschifffahrt pdf_de
BELGIUM Wet houdende instemming met het samenwerkingsakkoord – 20 januari 2011 – 3 maart 2011 pdf_frpdf_nl
FRANCE Décret n° 2010-197 du 23 février 2010 portant publication de la Convention relative à la collecte, au dépôt et à la réception des déchets survenant en navigation rhénane et intérieure, signée à Strasbourg le 9 septembre 1996 pdf_fr
LUXEMBOURG Loi du 13 janvier 2002 portant approbation et application de la Convention relative à la collecte, au dépôt et à la réception des déchets survenant en navigation rhénane et intérieure (signée à Strasbourg, le 9 septembre 1996) pdf_fr
NETHERLANDS Regeling 2012 pdf_nl
Scheepsafvalstoffenbesluit Rijn- en binnenvaart (2000) pdf_nl
SWITZERLAND Verordnung über die Durchführung des Übereinkommens vom 9. September 1996 über die Sammlung, Abgabe und Annahme von Abfällen in der Rhein- und Binnenschifffahrt pdf_frpdf_de


Table of dates of entry of resolutions into force in national regulations

The table summarises the dates on which resolutions adopted by the Conference of the Contracting Parties (CPC) have entered into force in national regulations. The table is updated regularly.